Our Mission is your Success

Our measure of success is determined by the success of our clients. We leverage our 15+ years of experience to produce a result that rivals or surpasses the quality of the majority of books self-published today. As the competition grows, the bar on quality continues to rise.

SelfPublish.org Company Logo

Our Bestseller Blueprint is the framework we've been continually refining since 2009. It's the 'secret sauce' that allows our authors to publish bestsellers, garner rave reader reviews, and in some cases produce 6-figure incomes.

The cornerstone of our evidence-based practice is AuthorDock, a web-based project accelerator designed to put a strategic plan into action and turn your vision into reality. More than just an issues tracker, it contains the core elements of accomplishment; deadlines, ownership, processes, metrics, and transparency. Everything is contained in a searchable & secure tool that provides instant access to the data you need when you need it.

Building your platform and expanding your visibility online is accomplished through PubWriter, a search-engine optimized digital publishing framework that allows you to write locally and have your work published to your own website moments after you click save. As an author, you have an advantage over most businesses: a treasure trove of content. PubWriter helps you leverage that content to drive more clicks.

"Recently (Oct-2021), my combined royalties exceeded $12,000 (in a single month). I consider Brian a total pro at what he does, and I totally recommend him." ~ Terry Hodges, Author of the Warden Force Series

What We Do

We provide publishing services to self-published authors and independent publishers. We specialize in working with authors who aim to educate, entertain, and inform... while establishing themselves as thought leaders as subject matter experts. Our expertise covers platform building, reader reviews, marketplace setup, content marketing, search optimization, digital advertising, email marketing, social media management, audiobooks, and other evolving trends in publishing. Embracing emerging technology demands working in the trenches continually, and we spend more time in the trenches than most publishers.

Benefits Beyond the Book

At some point in the journey from writer to publisher, an author discovers that the rewards of publishing a book are not measured in book sales or ranking alone, but in opportunities that arise from the book. Most of our clients realize a return on investment in hiring us comes through speaking, coaching, training, new investors, and related product sales. The book becomes an integral part of the growth plan for our clients (a primary lead generator via a book funnel). The book becomes the foundation of a platform that puts the author in a Thought Leader position with the benefits of credibility and authority.

The Problems We Solve

The ever-expanding complexity of book publishing & marketing is a full-time job. Delegating ownership to us reduces your time-to-market. We want you to stay focused on the core activities to build your business. Rather than hire a part-time or full-time employee, we fill the gap by acting as your agent in the most critical areas tied to your book's success.


Instead of keeping a share of your book royalties as a publisher would, we charge a fee that varies depending on the extent of services you hire us to perform. As both the author & publisher, you retain 100% of the proceeds from your book and all the benefits. We set up your seller accounts and you get paid directly from each marketplace or distributor (i.e. Amazon, Google, Apple, Ingram) who sells your book or eBook globally. We operate primarily in the realm of what has been referred to as 'concierge author services.'


"I've been working with Brian Schwartz and his team since 2013. Over the years, he's expanded his value and stepped up to assist me in whatever technical challenge I faced. I'd highly recommend Brian and his team for your next project. He is trustworthy, loyal, has high integrity, and I know that anything he recommends is always in our best interests." ~ Rorion Gracie, Author of The Gracie Diet and Founder of the UFC

References available upon request.

Our Services

Our clients have discovered that publishing and marketing a book on a piece-by-piece basis is costly and time-consuming. Time-to-market is critical and having a partner to drive helps ensure momentum (without consuming all your time). We've made the mistakes, so you don't have to. Over the years, we have vetted partners to build a best-in-class service driven team.

Contact Us

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$ Consult

Whether you need book layout, cover design, reviewers, a website, or a bestseller campaign, rest assured we've got you covered. Since 2009, my full-time job has been assisting authors and independent publishers. Investing well over 10,000 hours, you benefit from the cumulative experience of publishing over 500 titles!

The Bestseller Blueprint

Since the early days of self-publishing, we've been working behind the scenes to take over 200 titles into bestseller status on Amazon. In doing so we've established a bestseller framework that gets the job done every time.

Not sure where to start? Begin by booking a complimentary 15-minute consultation. Before our call, I recommend you take a moment to review the Self Publish Pledge. Our first goal will be to establish a level of mutual trust which I've discovered is the key to success.

There's never been a better time to self-publish! Let's make it happen.

My best,
Brian Schwartz
805-225-1251 (PDT)

PS: I offer a monthly free 'Author Tech Tip' to my subscribers. You can view the recent tips here and signup for future tips here.

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